Wednesday, February 26, 2020

ETHICS AND VALUES PAPER Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

ETHICS AND VALUES PAPER - Essay Example These differences can be controlled only if codes of ethics are used in the culture and structure of an organization. In US, National Association of Social Workers is considered as the primary standard of ethics by profession. This code of ethics is a set of principles, standards and core values. These things facilitate ethical decisions making. Social workers navigate in a community and they participate in interdisciplinary teams. This enables a manager to perform different set of services on the basis of different professional values; it leads to increase in ethical dilemma numbers too. Social workers have ethical responsibility towards clients, colleagues, professionals, social work professions and to the society as a whole. Social workers enhance social change and justice on behalf of clients. In this paper, concept of client is used in a broader sense, i.e. it includes individuals, families, organizations, groups and communities. They are sensitive to ethnic and cultural diversity. They enhance people capacity to identify their own needs. Social workers also seek to promote the responsiveness of organizations, communities and other social institutions to individuals needs and social problems. NASW code of ethics does not specify which principle, standards or values are important in dealing with human diversity. It gives ability to use any code in order to solve a dilemma. There are differences in persons on the basis of opinions and thinking. One should be able to handle diverse working conditions. In such situation ethical decision should be made and judgment should be formed in all individuals. Social workers should also judge peers and other colleagues so that professional standards should be appli ed. NASW code of ethics is a conceptual framework for professional behavior promotion. It helps to reduce the constraints of behavior and enables individuals to work with different people in society and organizations. Social workers professional

Monday, February 10, 2020

What is an american Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What is an american - Essay Example an citizen does not only involve holding an American passport but it also entails respecting the ideas of the American founding fathers such as George Washington, James madison and Benjamin franklin (Dahl 134). Being an America also entails observing the American cultures and having a sense of belonging to them. A real American respects the American culture in terms of music, sports, language and norms. An American is that kind of person who will salute when they hear their olden native songs play since they understand where they country has come from and what it has gone through. America is a country that has been through a lot to achieve its stability and the successes it has now. An American is a kind of person who understands that life does not come on a silver platter since they have seen their country go through a lot. An America is a person who understands that achieving good things requires action exertion and effort (Uba 34). America has been involved in wars and even political assassinations to achieve its excellent political structure and hence an American must be a person who can persevere a lot. America is associated with famous innovations such as being the first people to step on the moon and also inventing the computer. This therefore means that Americans are big dreamers and innovators and they are people who work towards limitless innovations. Americans are a kind of people who understands that making ends meet one must use their brains and wits perfectly. America is home to the largest and most famous universities and hence an American is a person who values education. On average every American takes their education to the degree level. On the other hand an American is a person who understands that it is not education that matters it is how you use your brain that matters. This has been showcased where dropouts such as bill gates have ended up being innovators of very useful technology and have created worldwide employment even without